Recent Articles

What’s old is new

Seven tips to help female runners spruce up their wardrobe.

Minimalist or regular shoe?

Blogger Samantha Durnford finds comfort in minimalist running shoes.

I’ll start training… tomorrow

When training with your significant other and starting new goals, there’s no sense in making your goals public. Keep it silent, but write it down.

Home for the holidays

Food, family, and fresh air. Oh, and a fridge full of food…

Winter running blues

Sometimes you just have to force yourself out the door to get some sun.

Taking my run inside

Going to the gym can be enjoyable, right?

Put down the cell phone and RUN

I am guilty of running and texting. I carry my phone for music and, when it goes off with a […]

Halloween running fashions

Halloween is here, let’s get creative!

Black is the new… black?

There seems to be a lot of black in my running gear. Time to spruce it up!

Brr. I need some motivation!

As it gets colder it’s time to get serious about my motivation to keep running.

Chocolate bar? I’ll run it off later…

Using running as an excuse to eat junk food? My confessions.

Time to get reflective!

Sometimes we don’t think twice about safety when it comes to running at night.