Rich Roll’s ultra energy bars: eat one and get it done
These delicious bars are power-packed with healthy ingredients, protein and fibre

Ultrarunner, author and podcast host Rich Roll has long been an advocate of healthy living. In The Plantpower Way, coauthored with his wife, Julie Platt, Roll offers what he calls, “a straightforward back-to-basics solution that will repair, restore, energize, and invigorate your body, mind, and soul beyond what you might think possible.”

Whether you are a meat-lover or prefer tempeh on the grill, you’re sure to love these energy bars. If you’re not familiar with all of the ingredients, try your local bulk store: that’s where I found cacao nibs and dried goji berries. I’ve also made these bars my own by varying the ingredients according to what was in my cupboard (hello, giant bag of dried cranberries) and the results were sensational.

Rich Roll’s Ultra Energy Bars
1 cup raw almonds or walnuts, soaked overnight in water
1/4 cup cacao nibs (could substitute dark chocolate chips)
1/4 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup dried goji berries
2 Tbsp cacao powder
1/4 cup shredded coconut
Pinch of large-grain sea salt
7 or 8 dates, soaked in water for 30 minutes and pitted

In a food processor, pulse the nuts until meaty in texture.
Add the cacao nibs, hemp seeds, goji berries, cacao powder, coconut, and sea salt to the processor. Pulse again until well mixed.

With the motor running, add one date at a time. After seven dates, you will see the mixture ball up on one side of the bowl. You may need to redistribute the mixture and process it again to make sure the dates are mixed in.
On a piece of parchment paper, press the cookies in an even layer, about one-quarter inch thick.

With a knife, score out a grid of rectangular pieces, approximately two by five inches. If desired, press additional hemp seeds or coconut on the surface.
Wrap in parchment paper or parchment bags. Take them out on a trail run, hike, or bike ride to sustain you throughout your training session. Keep in a glass jar on your kitchen counter or in the fridge for up to a week (if they last).