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The Runner’s At-Home Strength Training Routine

Adding strength training to your schedule once or twice a week can take your running to the next level

To improve as a runner, you should consider doing some strength training. This doesn’t mean you have to join a gym if you don’t want to—there are plenty of conditioning exercises that you can practice from the comfort of your own home. The video below is a strength routine presented by Jon-Erik Kawamoto, and it was featured in the March & April issue of Canadian Running, which is on newsstands until mid-April.

Kawamoto is a strength and conditioning specialist and runner, and he owns his own gym—JKConditioning—in St. John’s, N.L., so he knows firsthand how runners should be training when they aren’t at the track, hitting the road or on the trails. Strength training will not only help you improve as a runner, but it will also help with injury prevention.

Adding this short routine (just five exercises) to your training schedule one or two times a week is a small price to pay for minimizing your risk of injury, and becoming a stronger runner.

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