6 emotional stages of spring running
It's wet and muddy, but at least it isn't winter

The snow is melting, the sun is up for longer and spring is officially days away. While most runners enjoy warmer weather running, there are still six inevitable steps that runners go though when venturing into the thawing streets for their morning miles.

RELATED: The 7 emotional stages of winter running
Stage 1 – Excitement
Winter is coming to an end which has most runners really excited. You wake up and see that it’s above zero degrees outside. On top of that, the roads aren’t icy. You feel pumped to get your run started.
Stage 2 – Shorts weather? Shorts weather.
After weeks of running in a snow suit, you can forgot how to dress for spring. Many runners make the mistake of jumping the gun and throwing shorts on a little too early. Remember, just because there’s dwindling snow on the ground doesn’t necessarily mean it’s shorts weather.
Stage 3 – Everything is wet
There will be a point during most spring runs where at least your feet are wet. With everything melting, even if it’s not raining, the roads and sidewalk are puddle city. You’re going to want to have a few different pairs pf shoes on rotation so that you can start your run with dry feet.
Stage 4 – You embrace the fact that you’re soaked
There comes a point during a spring run when you just accept the fact that you’re soaked. You run through the puddles and mud like a kid and get excited for your upcoming goal race.
Stage 5 – Arriving home filthy
Spring is the season of the “entrance way peel off”. This happens when a runner is extremely muddy and wet and doesn’t want to drag street debris into their home, so they remove almost all of their clothes in the entrance and throw them directly in the washing machine.
Stage 6 – Smiling because winter is over
With the exception of that one pesky April snow fall, winter is over. Relax after your run and get excited about the warmer months on the horizon.