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ASICS launches #DeskBreak campaign on World Mental Health Day

Continuous desk work can be detrimental to your mental health, but taking a 15-minute movement break can reverse those effects

Asics DeskBreak Photo by: ASICS

In recognition of World Mental Health Day on Thursday, ASICS is partnering with Canadian Running to launch Desk Break–a campaign raising awareness about the detrimental mental health effects of continuous desk-based working. The movement encourages office workers to step away from their desks more often throughout the work day–even just for 15 minutes.

For each picture of an empty desk shared to social media using #DeskBreak, ASICS will donate CAD $9 to the mental health charity Mind.

ASICS enlisted actor Brian Cox, who plays Logan Roy in the TV series Succession, to deliver the powerful message; playing the role of the world’s scariest boss, Cox issues a warning that your desk is actually the deadliest thing in the office–not him.

“You need to get away from your desk. Run, jump, roller-skate, whatever–I don’t care,” he says in the PSA. “Just move–for your mind.”

ASICS conducted a global study with 26,000 participants, which revealed a strong correlation between sedentary behaviour and declining mental well-being. Continuous desk work causes stress levels to rise and mental health to plummet, but a brief movement break from your desk can reverse those effects. Fifteen minutes of movement showed improved mental state, reduced stress levels and boosted productivity and focus.

Asics DeskBreak

“Just move–for your mind”

“Our global study revealed that the hours spent at your desk for hours on end are having a real and scary impact on our minds,” says Tomoko Koda, managing executive officer for ASICS.

“What surprised us with the Desk Break experiment was how powerful the 15-minute movement breaks were in improving cognitive function and reducing stress, according to Dr. Brendon Stubbs, a leading researcher in exercise and mental health from King’s College, London. “It even changed people’s perceptions of their workplace for the better.”


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Take a 15-minute movement break, share a photo of your empty desk with #DeskBreak, and help raise funds for worldwide mental health charities while improving your own mental wellbeing. The fundraising challenge ends on Nov. 30. Click here to learn more.

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