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Don’t worry, Strava’s weekly mileage totals are coming back

After removing the mileage tally from mobile view, the fitness tracking company has said this feature will return with the app's next update

Photo by: Strava

On Tuesday, some Strava users noticed that they could no longer view their weekly mileage totals on the mobile app. If you’re one of these people and you were worried that you wouldn’t have those stats at your fingertips, take a breath and relax, because the feature will be returned to normal soon enough. The app’s next update (version 165) is set for release next week, and with it will come the same old tally to let you know how far you’ve run this week. 

Photo: Strava

A new location

For now, you can still find your weekly mileage, just in a different location. Instead of looking on your profile, go to the front page feed. At the top of the screen, you’ll see a few tabs, including “Following” and “You.” Click the latter button to reveal a list of your workouts, and at the top you’ll find your weekly mileage, up to date and accurate, as always. The tally was moved when the app’s developers updated another part of the app. 

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Free forever

In the past few months, Strava has been making big changes to the company’s free and paid accounts, and while certain features (such as segment leaderboards) have been removed from free profiles, the company has said nothing else will be cut. The app has introduced a number of improvements and new features for paid subscribers, and in a May announcement, the company said “From now on, more of our new feature development will be for subscribers – we’ll invest the most in the athletes who have invested in us.” These new features will likely win a lot of athletes over to the paid app, but if you’re happy with your free Strava account, don’t worry, you won’t be seeing any more cuts. 

A potential solution

In case this ever happens again and you can’t see your weekly mileage, don’t worry, there are a few solutions if you really need to know how far you’ve run or cycled this week. One obvious option is to simply add up your workouts using your phone’s calculator. Another option is similar, but a little more old-fashioned. Grab a pen and paper and tally your mileage that way. This could be a good option, because as you add up your physical exercise metrics, you’ll get a mental workout, too. 

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