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Former pro runner arrested for relationship with high-school student

"America's Fastest Kindergarten Teacher" and high school cross-country coach, Matt Elliott, faces charges of "indecent liberties" with an athlete

Matt Elliott, brooks athlete Photo by: Matt Elliott/Instagram

Charlotte, N.C., high school running coach and former elite runner Matthew Elliott was arrested on Wednesday and charged with two counts of “indecent liberties” with a student. Last Friday, the victim, who is now an adult, came forward to the local police department, reporting the inappropriate relationship she had with Elliott, who was her cross-country coach while she was enrolled at the school, Charlotte Country Day.

Reportedly, the victim told officers that Elliott flirted with her and made “numerous advances,” and that they had an inappropriate relationship.

Elliott, 39, had been a coach and a substitute teacher at the high school since 2015. After the allegations emerged, the school terminated Elliott’s employment, barred him from their campuses and informed families and alumni of the misconduct. The statement revealed that the victim attended the school within the past few years.

“America’s fastest kindergarten teacher”

The development comes years after Elliott rose to fame in 2013 after placing fourth in the 1,500m at the U.S. Track and Field Championships, beating elite runners while teaching full-time. An emotional post-race interview with Elliott went viral; the athlete even received autograph requests in the mail. That year, he was referred to as “America’s Fastest Kindergarten Teacher,” and was a cover model for both Runner’s World and Running Times magazines.

Matt Elliot 2014 From runner's world magazine cover

Elliott was a kindergarten through third-grade teacher for children with special needs at the Palmetto School in Rock Hill, S.C. The magazine story revealed that the teaching job required Elliott to act as a bus driver as well; he drove the kids to and from their homes before and after school.

During his career, Elliott was coached by American Distance Project coach Scott Simmons and joined the Team Indiana Elite running group alongside athletes such as William Leer. He broke the four minute barrier on multiple occasions and became a Brooks-sponsored athlete.


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He set his sights on making the 2016 U.S. Olympic team, and gave inspirational talks to cross-country teams about his journey. In 2021, Elliott was featured in a podcast for The Unearthing Project, where he shared his running and coaching stories. Elliott hasn’t competed since 2019, according to his World Athletics profile.

None of the recent allegations against Elliott have been proven in court. News sources report the former coach was held on a USD $10,000 bond and was released on Thursday morning, but was set to face a judge that afternoon.

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