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Beer miler Corey Bellemore, joggler Michal Kapral get Topps trading cards

We've seen it all as Canadian runners are getting face time on Topps trading cards

Topps Trading Cards

Two of Canada’s world record holders have their own limited edition trading cards.

Corey Bellemore, beer mile world record holder, and joggling extraordinaire Michal Kapral are featured on recently-released trading cards. Topps, which produces sports trading cards, collectibles and memorabilia, produced the cards under the Allen & Ginter collection, one of Topps’ best-selling collections. The Allen & Ginter cards are notable because the designs are hand painted.

“[The cards] are part of a special collection that Topps releases every year,” says sports marketing and management executive Kris Mychasiw. “Cards are limited edition.”

Bellemore, one of Canada’s rising middle-distance runners, holds the men’s beer mile world record at 4:34.35. Meanwhile, Kapral, former editor and regular contributor with Canadian Running, holds numerous world records for running and juggling, a niche category known as joggling. One his most notable records is running a marathon in 2:50:12 while juggling three beanbags.

Take a look at the designs below. (Plus, the cards are autographed.)

Corey Bellemore


Corey Bellemore and Michal Kapral

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