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WATCH: Kids interview Paula Radcliffe

Ever wonder what the former marathon record holder's favourite post-race treat was? The kids have got you covered

Paula Radcliffe

Paula Radcliffe is a six-time world champion and the former world record holder in the 10K and the marathon. Throughout her illustrious career, she was interviewed several times over by countless news outlets, but thanks to the British website youngsportingwonders.com, today we get the opportunity to watch her speak with not another journalist, but with children.

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Despite their young age, the kids asked some insightful questions, like when she knew running was her sport, how she felt after setting the world record and how she handled the disappointment after dropping out of the Olympic marathon in Athens.

They also asked her about her favourite post-race treats, and it turns out, Radcliffe is a big fan of chips and the occasional ice cream. She’s also evidently a big fan of chocolate, and validates all other chocolate lovers out there, by arguing that chocolate is not a treat, it’s fuel. When asked for her advice to young kids who aspire to be professional athletes, her advice was simple: don’t worry about being a professional. Just enjoy the sport, and focus on improving year after year. Whether you’re six or 60, we believe this is good advice for runners of all ages.

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