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6 reasons you need to get high

It's time to try mountain running, where scaling new heights is the ultimate exhilaration

WMTRC 2023 Französisches DoppelGold im Trail Long - 4-min

Looking for a new, unique type of race? Enter mountain running—which is distinct from trail running. Mountain running is a unique discipline that offers a special sort of challenge, with shorter distances (often less than 20K) but plenty of leg-burning elevation gain.

Julien Lacasse, race director of Défi des Couleurs at Quebec’s Mont-Sainte-Anne ski resort, which will host the 2024 Canadian Mountain Running Championships, says mountain running offers a litany of special rewards, “from total immersion in the mountain spirit to the pure simplicity of the effort.” Here’s why you should consider taking it steeper. 


Be one with the mountain

Are you needing some fast wilderness therapy? Nothing beats climbing a mountain. “Mountain running offers a direct connection with this majestic environment,” Lacasse says. You’ll be face to face with the remarkable rocks, soaking in variations in terrain, altitude and vegetation. “Nothing can match the speed and efficiency offered by mountain running to access the most spectacular landscapes,” he adds. “The saying ‘the higher, the better’ really comes to life here.”

Less mileage, all the vert

Mountain races are shorter than ultras, but pack a punch, with more elevation gain than a traditional trail race. “Mountain running is characterized by an abundance of vertical ascents and descents over short distances,” says Lacasse. You’ll get that heart rate up fast, but it will be worth it—get ready for swoon-worthy views and magnificent scenery.  

trail and mountain running
Photo: Unsplash/Hunter Bryant

No heavy, mandatory gear

Tired of hauling a hydration vest or mandatory gear? Mountain running is a refreshing change. “Since the events are generally short (typically lasting 30 to 75 minutes for winners), most participants don’t carry a pack or any special gear,” Lacasse says. With fewer pricy essentials, mountain running is more accessible and often includes frequent aid stations (like road races). 

Golden Ultra 2022 mountains
Photo: Golden Ultra

Recover faster, race more

Ultra-distance races, ranging from 50K to infinity, can require significant recovery periods. Lacasse explains that, with the typically shorter events in mountain running, it’s possible to pack your calendar with a few more races. “Many events even offer formats that allow you to race two events on the same weekend,” he says. “It’s a great way to make the most of your time!”

Uphill running on trails
Photo: davidmarcu/Unsplash

Deep competition

Mountain running races often bring together some of the deepest starting lines,” says Lacasse. “With the opportunity for a broad spectrum of athletes to shine in this format, and its forgiving recovery times, it’s not uncommon to find elite-level fields.” Not an elite or a speedster? Don’t worry—Lacasse says recreational runners still have a blast, with the added thrill of toeing the line with the pros.

World Mountain and Trail Running Championships
World Mountain and Trail Running Championships. Photo: WMTRC 2023/Roast Media

The show!

If you’re unsure about racing, consider spectating. “For spectators, attending a mountain race is an awe-inspiring experience,” says Lacasse. Watching athletes fly down slopes at full speed is thrilling. With ever-changing race dynamics and vibrant atmospheres, mountain running events offer unforgettable experiences for all.  

Lacasse adds: “With breathtaking vistas, challenging terrain and a passionate community, mountain running leaves an unforgettable mark on the hearts of those who dare to venture onto its peaks.” 

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