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Dogs: A fit mountain girl’s best friend

Few things are more rewarding than trail running with your dog.

Few things are more rewarding than trail running with your dog. When Miruna Toma moved from Dubai to Canada, she was eager to get back into nature just as she did when living back home in Romania. The problem: she didn’t have any friends or trail running partners. So, she got a canine running partner to protect her and keep her company on those long runs. Since then she has even devoted her Instagram account to their runs. Follow her at @runningwithkona

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Canadian Running: Tell us about your dog. When did she come into your life?

Miruna Toma: Her name is Kona and she’s a four year-old Weimaraner. She came into our lives about three and a half years ago. We had just relocated to Canada after almost six years of living in Dubai. I was a road runner but I knew that once in Canada, trail running would be my calling. I grew up surrounded by nature wandering the fields of Transylvania’s countryside, back home in Romania. I felt the need to get in back in touch with nature.

The main reason we got Kona was because I needed a trail running buddy. I was new to the country and I didn’t know anyone. I was reluctant to join any trail running groups because everyone seemed so darn fast. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to keep up. We decided it was time for me to get a running buddy.

CR: How long have you two been running together?

MT: She has been my constant companion on the trails ever since we got her. At first it was just walks, then hikes, then jogs and then it was 40K runs and long days spent in the mountains. If I have to choose between running with her or running with friends, I always choose Kona. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I went trail running without her in the past three years.


Spring is kicking Winter’s balls here in the #pnw! ??? We’re ready. #AlmostSpring ? © @bowwowavenue

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CR: In your opinion, what are the biggest perks of having a dog to run with?

MT: Dogs live in the moment. Give them a puddle of mud, a few bushes and some sniffing opportunities and they’re the happiest they can be. They don’t worry or dwell. They don’t think about how fast or slow they’re going, the big climb that’s coming up or that they got their paws wet. We have a lot to learn from them in this sense. When I find myself worrying about life or work, all I have to do is look at Kona’s smiley face or wagging tail and I’m back smiling. With each run, she reminds to appreciate the little things.

There’s also the safety feature. I love it how alert she becomes as soon as it gets dark and we’re still in the woods. Or when a suspicious looking person comes towards us on the trail… The way her hackles go up when she’s on alert gives me goosebumps.


It was the day after Christmas… ❄️??❄️☃️? #FindingWinter #ItsSnowingAgain !!! #WomenOfTheWestCoast

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CR: Where are both of your favourite places to run?

MT: Anything technical. Roots, rocks, puddles, mud, big climbs, great views, everything green. And I think I just described the North Shore in Vancouver…  It’s funny, sometimes we run on stretches of pavement but the moment we hit the trails, Kona’s behavior changes suddenly and she goes crazy with excitement. 

CR: What was the goal behind the dog running themed Instagram?

MT: I’m hoping that it’ll inspire more people to get out there and explore nature with their dogs. Dogs can do incredible things if we just give them the chance. If we allow them to take us out of our comfort zone, we open ourselves to some pretty incredible experiences.

CR: Tell me some of your dog’s funny or unique running habits.

MT: Ha! She always reaches the top of a climb first. Sometimes, when she gets to the top, she just sits there looking down at us mortals, still climbing. As she waits there, I wonder if she wishes she had a faster human. Also, she never drinks from her water bowl twice. I always have to put fresh water after she has drank from it. But when in the woods, she drinks from the muddiest puddles without hesitation.

CR: What’s one great memory you have of the two of you running together?

MT: That goes back to one of our very first hikes when she was still only a few months old.

We were heading up on a ski slope on a nearby mountain. Kona was with her nose down, exploring the trail as she usually does. All of a sudden, she freezes and starts barking. It was a very serious, deep bark for a puppy. Amused, we looked around but didn’t see anything but assumed it was a squirrel. We praised her for being so vigilant and keep going. Then, she stops barking but is still very alert. Well, a minute later, we turn the corner and there’s a mama bear with two cubs  170 feet away from us. It was amazing to see that demonstration of raw instinct and vigilance in such a young puppy.

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