Pittsburgh bomb scare nothing but pasta

There were some tense moments for officials at the Pittsburgh Marathon on Sunday when an abandoned microwave was found on the course.

There were some tense moments for officials at the Pittsburgh Marathon on Sunday when an abandoned microwave was found on the course.

Not wanting to take any chances, Pittsburgh police rerouted the course at the last minute, to allow the bomb squad to deal with the suspicious device.

Since it happened on the same weekend as the attempted car bombing in New York City, officials were on a heightened state of alert.

Most runners were unaware of the scare, and didn’t know why the route, near the finish line, had changed at the last minute.

“One of our biggest things was taking the lead from the city,” Patrice Matamoros, Pittsburgh Marathon director, said. “We knew they were prepared to handle the situation and really trying to avoid any type of hysteria that would be caused if people would know exactly what was going on.”

A police robot detonated the microwave without incident.

As for the suspicious contents, there was nothing but pasta inside the radioactive oven.

Police are trying to determine who left the microwave outside the Greyhound bus station near the finish line of the course.

Once they figure that out, they’ll decide whether it was accidental or a hoax.

If it turns out to be a hoax, the individuals responsible could face felony charges.

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