Older Articles

Clear the mind to run more efficiently

It turns out that sinking a crucial putt has a lot in common with running efficiently, according to sports psychologists.

How to run hills

Most people go too hard on the uphills and too slow on the downhills, Australian researchers report.

Exercise vs. cutting calories

Can your body tell the difference between a calorie burned through exercise and a calorie avoided through dieting?

The ADA’s position stand on nutrient supplementation

The American Dietetic Association takes a closer look at what dietary supplements can (and can’t) do.

Why vitamin C and running may not mix

Recent studies suggest that popping antioxidant pills may block some of the benefits of exercise, and even slow down post-workout muscle recovery.

Should you run when you’re sick?

Studies show that exercise can help or hurt your immune system — and it’s okay to run through some symptoms but not others.

How running makes your brain stress-proof

Neuroscientists are discovering that running changes the brain to make us less anxious.

Shorten your stride to avoid stress fractures?

New studies look at the risk factors for stress fractures.

Music (and TV): does it help or hurt your run?

Some forms of distraction can help you get in the zone, but others take you out of it.

Chocolate milk: brown is the new red

A new study suggests that chocolate milk, in addition to being a good recovery drink, may help keep arteries clear.

The right way to warm up

There’s new evidence that a “neuromuscular” warm up is better than stretching.

Running in a group produces more endorphins

There’s a reason people like finding training partners.