Georgia barefoot runner breaks 24-hour record

Andrew Snope set the world barefoot 24 hour record.
Andrew Snope set the world barefoot 24 hour record.
Photo: Twitter (@IsraelTheRunner)

A Savaanah, Ga., rock-climber and hiker-turned-barefoot runner has broken the world record for distance covered barefoot in 24 hours, running non-stop, barring a few short bathroom breaks, around a 400m indoor track in Anchorage, Alaska.

Andrew Snope, a 28-year-old bartender, ran just over 220K during the 24-hour period, averaging just under seven minutes per kilometre.

“It just informs my form,’’ he told Alaska Dispatch News. “My running is all about efficiency, and that’s why I’m able to run long distances in relatively short periods of time.’’

Snope took up running after reading Born to Run, the book which kick-started the barefoot running movement, but has always been an active individual, enjoying other outdoor activities.

The record was set during an event called Six Days at the Dome, which saw some runners race for six days, seeing how much distance they could cover. Some other runners raced over 48 hours. Snope helped during the event leading up to his own race by cooking pasta dinners for other athletes.

Snope, rather than heading home to Georgia, was flying to Ecuador for vacation to surf and kayak the following morning.

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