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Red Bull Wings for Life World Run coming to Niagara Falls

wings for life world run

wings for life world run
In their first year, Red Bull selected Saskatoon, Sask., as their Canadian city for the company’s unique Wings for Life World Run. In 2015, the Canadian leg of the international event will move to Niagara Falls, Ont.

The Wings for Life World Run is unique event. Thirty-five cities around the world will host simultaneous race events where runners are pursued by a chase car. The runner who travels the most distance and outlasts all other runners is crowned the champion of the global event.

“From my experience last year, this race is a lot of fun.” said Canadian Paralympic gold medallist Josh Dueck in a press release. “I met a ton of people who are genuinely passionate about running and about the cause, and the feeling of racing with those people and the entire planet at the same time is amazing. That definitely makes it the most unique and incredible running experience that’s out there right now.”

This year’s event will be held on May 3, with the Niagara Falls race starting at 7 a.m. Thirty minutes later, at 7:30, the chase car will being to slowly follow the runners, with the pace increasing as the day goes on. Eventually, somewhere in the world, the last runner to outlast everyone else will be overtaken by their chase car.

In 2014 the inaugural champions were Lemawork Ketema of Ethiopia and Elise Molvik of Norway. They ran 75K and 52K. In 2014 the event attracted 35,000 runners around the world with the prize for being overall champion a month-long, around-the-world trip to some of the race’s cities. The 2014 champions are in the midst of their prize this month.

All of the money from entry fees will go to spinal cord research.

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