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Tracer 360 fiber optic vest makes runners glow in the dark


Are your running habits a little bit nocturnal? For many runners, the appeal of running late at night is too much to resist. Running in the dark is a peaceful experience when the streets are quieter and the temperatures are cooler. The only problem with night running is that it can be dangerous when drivers are out on the road. Night hours are the times when those behind the wheel don’t see runners and don’t expect to. There’s also the issue of accidentally sneaking up on those sharing the paths because visibility is low and it’s tough to see runners coming.

Enter the Tracer 360. This piece of gear demands attention for those daring enough to sport it. It’s a lightweight vest secured by a reflective waistband. Over-the-shoulder wires of fiber optic and LED lights flash multiple colours and will get runners seen from kilometres away even on dark or foggy runs. This running apparel is a more efficient and reliable version of runners donning glow sticks for a run. To battery also lasts for up to 40 hours and the Tracer 360 will stand up to the elements– both hot and cold. It sells for $55.25.

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