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Motivational books to read before the run

We tell you what to eat before the run, how to hydrate and how to warm up. Now we’re giving you some page-turners that will boost motivation before the run!
No_Sweat No Sweat by Michelle Segar

Put together by Michelle Segar, who has studied the science of motivation for over 20 years, this book gives runners their daily dose of motivation. With a focus on fitness, this book explains how to get motivated enough to stick to goals. How often has it happened that the daily run schedule has faded to twice a week running and then none at all?

Segar explains our need for instant gratification and why longer term goals like improving health or doing well in that late-November race are hard to keep up with. Reading this book, runners will find themselves broadening their definitions of fitness and exercise so that it doesn’t feel like a chore. Peppered with real life anecdotes, this book gives readers interesting narratives to keep their interest while reading.


You_are_a_badass You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

This read is a how-to guide on learning to tackle goals without letting the doubt creep in. Striving to finally get fit enough to run that half-marathon? Getting interested in running for the first time but already talking yourself out of it?

When self doubt or negative self talk comes in, these plans get sabotaged. This book will teach runners how to stop this behaviour. Rather than coming off preachy though. Sincero has adopted a funny style. Runners will find themselves laughing as they digest the messages which is all in all makes this book quite effective. This is definitely a book that will be sure to get you running!




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