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My style: Adam Cole Czunchniki

My_styleAdam Cole Czuchnicki is living the running lifestyle. He lives in Hamilton, where he’s enrolled in the health, wellness and fitness program at Mohawk College. He competes for the Mohawk cross-country team, while also working at a MEC in Burlington, where he leads their Learn to Run program. How does he commute from
Hamilton to Burlington most of the time? You guessed it, he runs.

Ask Czuchnicki what his personal style is and he chuckles and says, “I like to think I’m a put together punk.” The 28-year-old is unafraid to push boundaries when it comes to training and fashion. “When I first started working at MEC, I bought a whole bunch of Nike women’s split shorts in bright pink and neon green. It’s not fair that the guys always get stuck with black,” he explains. In some ways though, Czuchniki is very much your typical runner. When asked who his running hero is, he answered, “Oh man, I’m going to have to say Steve Prefontaine, like every other collegiate running dude. But also, my dad. He ran marathons when I was a kid and that was what first got me into running.”


Shirt: Thrift
It’s not often that you find a flannel shirt that isn’t plaid, so this black flannel was a score for me at a thrift store in Chicago. A lot of my clothes are second hand. I like the uniqueness of second hand pieces and the idea that they’ve already lived a little.

Accessory: Gold Pin
I also got this gold pin from a thrift store. I prefer to add my own bits of flair, so that’s why I tend to prefer plain tees – they’re a blank canvas. I’ve been known to rock a fanny pack and have a fair number of interesting hats.

Hat: Knox
After I moved from Kitchener and before I came to Hamilton, I lived in Winnipeg for a while. One of my friends there gave me this hat as I was leaving. I like to refer to it as my “not-dorky fedora.”

Shoes: New Balance
These shoes are technically for training at the gym, but I wear them casually. I’ve heard sneakers are making a comeback anyways, so I guess that’s something all of us runners can be grateful for.


Short: Brooks
I’ve worn these shorts for every race (I know that’s a little gross) and had every one of my PBs in them. They’re Brooks, but they’ve been so well-loved that you can’t even see a logo on them anywhere.

T-shirt: MEC
I like this heathered grey shirt from MEC because its got a nice cut and it’s pretty basic. I’m not into anything that has a logo or a brand plastered across the front of it, or crazy designs.

Shoes: Merrell
I know that this isn’t the most popular brand for road runners, but they work well for me. I find they’re versatile enough to switch back and forth from trail to road. They have a wider toe box, which lets my toes spread out.

Backpack: Gregory Miwok 12
I do a lot of run commuting, so this backpack is a necessity. I live in Hamilton and work in Burlington and often run all the way into work.

Watch: Garmin FR 620
I wear my Garmin when I run (and sometimes when I’m not running as well).

Socks: Wigwam Merino Wool
I’m a big fan of merino wool anything. It’s comfortable, sweat-wicking and you don’t end up with chafing or blisters.

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