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Runner pet peeves that drive us crazy

We may be healthier and more productive people, but that doesn't mean we don't get annoyed from time to time

Here in no particular order are the things–some serious, some not so much–that drive us runners nuts.

RELATED: Why Canadian runners get mad

Warning: This represents an attempt at humour. Reader discretion is advised.

Being called a jogger

If there’s any better way to annoy (or possibly anger) a runner, it’s to call them and what they do the “J” word.

Not lining up properly at the start of a race

It shouldn’t need to be said that faster runners go to the front while slower runners and walkers stick to the back. It’s a safety thing really.

That one runner who always pushes the pace

He/she has to be at the front and they have to run five seconds faster per kilometre than anyone else.

That one runner who always sandbags it

“I ate too big a lunch.” “I didn’t get to bed on time.” “I think I’m catching a cold.” Someone ALWAYS has an excuse for why they’re not ready to run.


Runners would make the perfect police because we see motorists breaking the law ALL THE TIME! They honk for no reason. They speed. They don’t stop at stop signs…

Shoelaces that keep coming untied

I coulda swore I doubled knotted these… Okay, WTF, I just double knotted these!

Companies who keep changing perfectly good products

Just when you found that perfect running shoe, they had to go and make it [wider, stiffer, uglier]… different.

Those who insist that everyone should run

Yes, there are plenty of great reasons to run, but not everyone has to do it, and telling them so isn’t helping.

Those who insist on explaining why they don’t run

This includes those who say “running will ruin your knees”–it won’t!–or “aren’t you worried about your heart?”–I’m not!

Not being able to pass

Likely caused by runners–possibly joggers–running three abreast, dog walkers with errant leashes, cyclists on sidewalks, the list goes on and on…

Being asked how long your marathon is

Is it one of those 5K marathons or is this one a 10K marathon? Ugh.

Runners who refuse to give the nod, wave or else acknowledge the existence of their fellow runner

We are the only two people awake right now and we happen to both be out running. Is it really too much to ask to acknowledge my existence?

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