Brr. I need some motivation!

As it gets colder it's time to get serious about my motivation to keep running.

Thanksgiving has come and gone. It’s officially getting colder. Mother nature has added another level of difficulty to my running habits.

I tend to like to hibernate in the winter. Hot chocolate, new seasons of every show I love to watch is on T.V, and I start wearing big wool socks that are just meant to stay on my feet.

It’s going to take some will power to continue to run as it gets colder and colder. I know this, because I know myself. I am not a fan of the cold, I don’t have a ton of willpower when it comes to going out in the winter (I’m a homebody), so I know I need to make a conscious effort if I want to continue to run as it gets colder.

So, the will power needs to start now. If I don’t continue to run as much as I do now, I doubt I would continue to run when it starts to snow.

I'm going to need a different outfit for running, I think.

I stumbled upon an article where different people discuss motivation. They suggest that picking a motivation will help you continue to run throughout the cold winter season (however, I wonder if they know about Canadian winter? Brr).

Different people posted many different motivations for running, ranging from losing weight to thinking of snow as a gift and embracing it.

I definitely think that deciding on a motivation, even if it’s one that changes for every run, is very important. This motivation can not only get you through that chilly run, but it can also get your warm lazy winter butt off the couch and into running shoes.

My motivation this winter: To honour my body by continuing to exercise in a way that I enjoy, despite the cold weather. Suck it up, princess! What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? Plus, I also used this motivation to go grab some cute new running mittens.

What are some of your winter running motivations?

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