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The only one I know has come to take me away

38km became 39km and then I figured I might as well knock off a marathon

My training is starting to ramp up again.  Except for a 3 day injury layoff I’ve been running decent mileage for a few weeks now.  I’ve done a few small workouts but those are what caused the flare-up in my tarsal tunnel.  I will try and do speed work every week but when I feel it coming on again I just run mileage again for a while.  Maybe this week will be better…

I went out Saturday night knowing I could sleep in as I was only running once for a long-run on Sunday.  Of course this is when the drug testers come at 7:30 in the morning.  I really don’t mind them coming at all (small price to pay for clean sport)  it’s just funny that just about any other morning at 7:30 would have been fine.  The whole process took about 20 minutes and I was back in bed by 8 and slept until 11.

I planned for a 36-38km run and packed a couple of dates into my pocket.  Around 34km I started to really think about extending the run a little more. Having a good song in my head and 10C weather on Dec 4th I was really enjoying this run.  38km became 39km and then I figured I might as well knock off a marathon.  I ran 42.2 km in 2:48:25 and felt fine, even today as I write this.  The idea of heading out my door and running a marathon just seemed cool.

My next race is going to take place as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s.  However, I’m not travelling far for one of these famed New Year’s Eve races as there will be one in Toronto this year midniteruntoronto.com. I am not planning on killing this race by any means, it’s more about the atmosphere and party afterwards.  I’m really looking forward to this event, should be a good one and hopefully a start to something really big.

I had this song in my head throughout my marathon run


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