Older Articles

How hard is a spinning workout?

The alchemy of group exercise is well known to runners and aerobics classes, but spinning has found a recipe so powerful that researchers studying it have been forced to re-evaluate their definition of “maximal” exercise – and sound a warning for beginners who may wander into a class unprepared.

Running for bigger, straighter blood vessels in your brain

We’ve been told repeatedly that exercise is good for the aging brain. An interesting new study offers a clear picture (literally) of why that is.

Core strength is more than just abs

Researchers now agree that weak core muscles can cause injuries — but not everyone agrees what the core actually is.

A four-day, 894-kilometre science experiment

Check out a neat effort to learn more about the science of multi-day endurance running.

What you really need in a sports drink

If you’re an old-school type who thinks plain water is all you need, consider this puzzling fact: Rinsing your mouth with a drink containing carbohydrates will boost your athletic performance, even if you don’t swallow and can’t taste the carbs.

How long does it take to get fit?

How many months of exercise does it take to see real gains, and when do they start to plateau?

Yes, sleep is good

We all know about the benefits of sleep for athletic performance, but it’s interesting to see them quantified.

Exercise for back pain

You might assume that someone with back pain shouldn’t exercise too frequently — but a new study finds the opposite.

Commuting calories: walk, run or bike?

Most commuters strive to be as efficient as possible. To get the best workout, you’re better off being inefficient.

Walking breaks for marathoners

The principle is simple — stop and walk for a minute after running anywhere from one to 10 minutes — and it has been very effective in helping people to begin and stick with running programs. But don’t oversell it.

The heart recovers after a marathon

Just like the rest of your body, the heart takes a pounding during a marathon, but appears to recover soon afterwards.

More thoughts on how massage works

Why does a massage feel so good? Dr. Tschakovsky can’t yet say for sure, but he suspects that it helps stops muscle spasms.