Older Articles

How much exercise is too much?

A study of Tour de France cyclists between 1930 and 1964 finds they live longer than matched controls.

Adjusting to hot weather: what does it take?

A University of Ottawa study suggests that you have to get out in the heat in order to adjust to it.

Warming up: less is more?

A University of Calgary study raises questions about the optimal warm-up.

Minimalism: the view from the trenches

What do running store retailers and track coaches think about the surge of interest in barefoot running?

Does fat matter?

Top nutrition experts are still debating whether the amount — or type — of fat is crucial to good health.

“Science of Marathon Training” night in Toronto: June 6

It’s the official launch night of the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon, with a talk (by me) and great panel for Q&As. It’s free, but you need to register ASAP.

Salt and sugar: dietary scapegoats

Recent research raises questions about the links between salt, sugar and health.

Danny Kassap: from the archives

Remembering Danny, and looking back at an article from March 2008.

Good science vs. bad science in fitness claims

Holographic bracelets, “banned” shoes, oxygen-enhancing clothing… How do you know what to trust?

Sports fans, heroes, and running message boards

Some thoughts on the changing relationship between fans and athletes in the wired age.

Does vitamin C help or hurt your workout?

A new study offers cautious good news for runners who pop vitamin C.

More on marathons and heart damage

A new study finds that markers of cardiac damage return to normal 72 hours after a marathon.