Older Articles

5 mistakes highly motivated runners make

Some of us are motivated to a fault

A runner’s guide to proper arm swing

Because in running, your arms are just as important as your legs

Fast and Female: empowering girls through sport

The Canadian charity is working to break down the barriers for girls in sport

China offering vaccines to Olympic and Paralympic athletes

IOC president Thomas Back says his organization will be paying for the extra doses

The top 10 running questions on Google, answered

“Hey Google, is running…?”

Adjust your mindset to speed up injury recovery

Staying positive while you’re injured can help you get back to running faster

Your VO2 max, explained

Runner, triathlete and exercise physiology Ph.D. candidate Alexandra Coates explains what your VO2 max is, why it’s important and what you can do to improve it

5 rules of training

Nail these basics if you want your running to improve

Study: female athletes with a regular menstrual cycle perform better

A new study revealed that not only does having a regular period improve your health, it improves your running performance, too

The art of failing

When you don’t hit that PB, learning to reframe failure into something positive will help you move on, and ultimately make you a better runner

Hockey Night in Canada headliner running to conquer COVID-19

After running every day for close to a year, Chris Johnston has plans for a solo marathon to raise funds for Conquer COVID-19

Des Linden: 50K is the new marathon

The two-time Olympian is looking to break the 50K world record next month