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Top five Netflix picks for the Canadian runner

If you haven't yet sat down to watch The Barkley Marathons, this winter is the opportune time. Or on your next recovery day, sit back and enjoy any of these other top Netflix picks.

Barkley Marathons Netflix

Barkley Marathons Netflix

Mid-winter may strike the average runner as base-building season. The spring race is on the calendar and now is the time to buckle down. After putting in a solid, honest effort though, make sure to recover properly. In what way, you ask? Netflix. The long run is done. Now, kick back, relax and enjoy these top running-related movies on Canadian Netflix. Your time relaxing is well-earned. 

The Barkley Marathons: Stop whatever you’re doing right now if you haven’t yet watched this. Profiling perhaps one of the most obscure races in the running world, this documentary is going to have your full attention from start to finish. You’ve got a secret invite-only trail race in the Tennessee wilderness, a race director named Lazarus Lake who signals the race start by lighting a cigarette and you’ve got the full story of a race few have ever managed to finish. Enough said. 

Finding Traction: Set on Vermont’s Long Trail, viewers follow along the journey of ultra-runner Nikki Kimball. If you’re not yet a trail runner, this one will convert you. Watching her 273-mile run, road runners are going to want to head to the Green Mountains come summer. 

From Fat To Finish Line: The making of this one was on our radar in the early days. Now, it’s available for runners to watch from the comfort of their living rooms. The title is a dead giveaway of this documentary’s plot line. Here’s the thing though: if you need a little motivation this winter or if you yourself are in the middle of a weight loss journey, you’re bound to take something away from this one.

Chasing Perfection: If you’re still not over the incredible performance that came from elite runners in Rio this past summer, this documentary will give a little insight as to how the world’s top elite runners get to where they are. In this two-part series, Michael Johnson explores how these top runners live. Their dedication will have you increasing the distance of your next run.

Fair Chase: One much-explored topic in distance running is the idea of our ancestors learning to run as a way to hunt animals. Were humans really born to run? That’s a question that talented distance runners explore in this documentary. Coming in in less than an hour, this one doesn’t require too much of a time commitment when you’re zonked from a punishing track workout.

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