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You’ll run more if you leave your spouse at home, research suggests

Couples who run together... should consider running alone

Elderly couple running

In the pursuit of running farther and moving more, it turns out that breaking a sweat solo might be the key, at least for older couples. A recent study published in the International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction has uncovered unexpected findings about the impact of couples exercising together.

Running friends

The study

The study, spanning 12 weeks, was conducted out of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore, where researchers delved into the exercise habits of 240 individuals aged 54 to 72. Researchers initially hoped to investigate the impact of using fitness trackers to monitor daily steps and calories burned, but their study also revealed that older couples who exercised together exhibited lower average step counts than their solo counterparts. These couples also struggled to meet daily step goals of 10,000 and 15,000 steps, indicating that exercising together may be a potential hindrance rather than an enhancement to their fitness routines.

The research team attributed the lower activity levels of couples to deeply entrenched habits and routines. Unlike the camaraderie and increased motivation often associated with group exercise, couples faced challenges in synchronizing their schedules and maintaining motivation.

“For these couples, changing daily habits could require a major reshuffling of set habits and routines ingrained in their family life after years of marriage,” said Sapphire Lin, a health scientist at NTU. “This makes incorporating exercise difficult, and could lead to a demotivating effect.”

Mature couple exercising

Focus on personal routines

As the global population ages, the importance of staying active becomes increasingly apparent. While previous studies extolled the benefits of exercising with a group, this new research suggests a paradigm shift.

“Our research suggests that older adults looking to introduce exercise into their lifestyles may find it more effective to focus on changing their own routines, rather than attempting to exercise as a couple and seeking to impose changes on their partner,” says Lin.

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