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Try these surge sets to wake up your legs this winter

This short, fun workout is sure to bust the winter blues

woman running in winter

If you’re already getting tired of the monotony of off-season winter runs, this surge set workout is just what you need to give yourself a boost. Short and sweet, this fun session allows you to ditch the GPS watch and run by feel–perfect when cold conditions or snowy sidewalks prevent you from hitting a consistent pace.

The goal of this workout is simple: get your legs moving and your heart rate up a bit without overdoing it during the off-season. You should feel like you’re working hard, but recover quickly between intervals, and you should be able to get a little faster as the intervals get shorter. We highly recommend turning the GPS function of your watch off for this one and just run by feel, especially if the weather is bad.

under armour
Photo: Matt Stetson

The workout

If a steady diet of slow, easy runs is starting to make you feel sluggish, this workout should add some pep to your step.

Warmup: 10-15 minutes easy


2 x 90 seconds at 10K race effort/90 seconds’ easy jog recovery 

4 x 60 seconds a little faster/60 seconds’ easy jog recovery 

4 x 30 seconds a little faster/30 seconds’ easy jog recovery 

4 x 15 seconds a little faster/15 seconds’ easy jog 

Cooldown: 10 minutes’ easy jog

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