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Runner dies after falling from gym window in Indonesia

Disturbing video footage captured the 22-year-old woman's tragic death

treadmills in gym Photo by: Unsplash/birk endwald

A 22-year-old woman has died after a fall from a third-story window while exercising at a gym in Pontianak, Indonesia. The woman, whose name has not been disclosed, had been using a treadmill for about 30 minutes when she went to step off the machine to wipe her face with a towel, as reported by The Times of India. She lost her balance, stumbled backward and fell out of an open window, situated just two feet behind the treadmill.

Disturbing security camera footage captured the moment leading up to the accident. The video shows the woman working out near the end of a row of treadmills in the crowded gym. As she steps off the treadmill, the machine’s belt moves her backward. She trips, and is seen falling through the open window behind her. Despite her attempts to grab onto the window frame, she was unable to prevent the fall.

The woman was rushed to the hospital with severe injuries, but despite the medical team’s efforts, she did not survive. An autopsy revealed extensive head trauma.

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Reports indicate that the victim had gone to the gym with her younger sibling and boyfriend. Her boyfriend had asked her to work out on the second floor with him, but she preferred to use the treadmill on the top level. Local police are investigating the incident, questioning witnesses and seeking expert opinions; they noted that the position of the treadmill so close to the window created a dangerous situation.

The gym, whose license to operate is now under question, issued an apology to the woman’s family and closed its business for three days following the fatal fall.

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