we are always running for the thrill of it, thrill of it

Happy 2010! I celebrated New Year’s at the Moulton Distance Project once again with much of the Speed River team.

Happy 2010!  I celebrated New Year’s at the Moulton Distance Project once again with much of the Speed River team.  Before the festivities at night we had a good workout on the indoor track of 5 X 1600m in which I averaged 4:31 on plenty of rest while trying to stay with Milne.  I felt pretty good considering I’m running over 190km/week.  On the way to practice I stopped at Value Village and bought a second-hand suit for $20 (pic below). 

The major championships this year are the Commonwealth Games in New Delhi, India.  These championships will be held in October and will see daily average highs of over 30C.  My goals may change, but as of now I will be aiming to run the 5000m in India and get some retribution from my last 5000m at Commonwealths in ‘06.  The shorter the race the better with such hot weather although I’ll have to weigh my options and see what distance I’ll be more competitive in.  The 10 000m will be my focus throughout the spring with one real attempt at the beginning of May before shifting to the 5000m in order to qualify for New Delhi.

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Running gear deals for the long weekend

The holiday weekend might be long, but these hot deals are only on for a short time
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