Daily Archives: August 4, 2009

Learn how to recognize the early warning signs of this painful overuse injury before it causes major damage.

We asked some of Canada’s marathoning experts for some of the tips they tell others to follow.

Lack of motivation can keep runners on the couch for weeks or prevent a wannabe runner from starting.

It may be Canada’s coldest city, but Yellowknife offers runners 20 hours of daylight in summer, and routes across wild tundra.

There is more than one path to marathon greatness: A renowned B.C. running coach presents two options for marathon training.

Get the latest science news related to massage, marathons and your heart, achilles injury, vitamins and reading on the treadmill.

A Canadian race director finds inspiration on his annual pilgrimage to the Chicago, Marine Corps and New York City marathons.

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The top running-shoe trends that emerged this spring continue to evolve in the fall season.

Island-hopping – and running – in the Caribbean!

The traditional racing seasons of spring and fall leave Canadian runners with only training through the winter.

For runners in a hurry, it doesn’t get much easier than grabbing an apple to go.

If you can recite your daily menu by heart, you may be in need of a grocery cart shake-up. Check out these nutrition alternatives.