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Marathon Mania

“I’ve learned that finishing a marathon isn’t just an athletic achievement. It’s a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible.” – John Hanc, running writer

If marathoning is a state of mind, is it madness or mania? I can see how non-runners, or even those who have not run or attempted to run a marathon, can see marathoners as a bit mad.

Marathon training requires hours of dedication, weekday runs crammed in wherever possible, and time away from family and loved ones to grind out long runs we often complain about afterwards (in weather most avoid).

It’s mid-February and it is time for a quick update on my quest for a PB at the Ottawa marathon in May.

messManaging marathoning

Marathon management for most of us who have jobs and families can be a bit messy. It can include logging big miles, trying to somehow find more sleep on a busy schedule, eating everything that moves, staying hydrated and stretching out tired, mangled muscles. Also, mounds of laundry.

“You know you are training for a marathon when the only thing that comes out of the washer to go in the dryer is a pair of underwear and socks.” (everything else being technical running gear)

My training

I ramped up my running in October and November, preparing to push hard, then got sick after the holidays. In the last few weeks, however, I’ve have cranked out big weeks with 140-155kms. I’m trying to remember to stretch, stay hydrated and follow the training plan and have been looking for every piece of advice I can get to stay healthy, motivated and keep getting faster.

Marathon madness - never far from switching into my running shoes!
Marathon madness – never far from switching into my running shoes!

I have made some notes about some good things to take note of and also linked to Canadian Running magazine articles that may help you out.

• SLEEP: Eric Gillis and Reid Coolsaet say get eight-nine hours of sleep at the minimum

• HURT: Coolsaet says you need to learn how to hurt

• BODY HEALTH: Nutrition experts say skinny does not always mean healthy, but I checked out okay

• FOOD: I’ve found a great, nutritious Canadian cereal, Holy Crap, and a Canadian food bar ,Thoz Barz, that might help keep you fueled as you burn through calories

• Using Vicsystem training plan, I have learned how to run hard for workouts and run at an easy pace on recovery days. Really taking the guess work out of my training.

• TIMING: A running watch helps to track distance on runs and keeps me running hard when needed. I love it but was tough on a few cold mornings waiting for a signal!

• GEAR: Proper running gear to stay motivated and warm during cold winter runs is a must. New Balance running gear just arrived and I’m pumped.

• Love my New Balance NB1400s for training but will need to research and plan for race shoes.

• Eating more veggies is making me feel more healthy

gearMore to come

• I run and feel fit but what does the doctor say?

• What do I use for fuel on race day? Best gel or chew?

• I wear glasses to run, but have been looking  for something between sunglasses and prescription glasses – think I found something

• How do I stay injury free?

• Running gear and products to get me to the finish line

• Mental preparation

• How to stay motivated

Canadian Running articles you should check out!

Marathon advice



Running and sleep

Shoes and gear


Keep Moving

“Consistency in training and patience should help you reach your goal — and enjoy the process!” – Comment from Simon Bairu after asked for marathon advice.

Run on my friends – out on the roads with you.

See you on the roads or in the blogosphere.

Do you have a running story to tell?



Also follow me on Twitter (@NoelPaine) – a Polar Loop to a lucky new follower in February!

To find out more about my training and my adventures in search of a marathon PB check out my personal blog for more information.

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