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Doodle with LifePaint to make dull gear reflective


Creating glow-in-the-dark scribbles on sports gear might just become a new hobby for runners. A new type of spray paint geared toward athletes has the power to transform dull sportswear into reflective gear.

LifePaint is created by Volvo and is currently on trial in London sports stores.  It’s a simple spray-on paint that can be used on clothing, metal, shoes, packs– even dog collars. When sprayed on, it will become reflective in headlights or streetlights, just like the reflective strips you’re used to seeing on running gear.

A fresh coat of the paint should last up to a week before a new layer is needed. And yes, it is washable so you can change up patterns and not worry about it permanently staining your expensive new jacket or pricey sneakers. Use it as a chance to get artsy.

Volvo created the product as a way to increase safety at night time. It’s for the those who are not driving cars, they say. While it’s geared mostly towards cyclists though, runners have just as much use for the product. (Aren’t we always stocking up on reflective gear that will get us seen by night drivers?)

Though it’s just being sold in England right now, we’re hoping it makes its way across the Atlantic so we can get a chance to doodle on our gear before a night run.

Check out the video below to see exactly how LifePaint works.

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