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Unbridled enthusiasm

Unbridled enthusiasm

Unbridled enthusiasm

I enjoy receiving regular emails with salutations of “Ahoy Cap’n” or signed “Arrrrrrrgh!”

There is an uncontrollable excitement around Maritime Race Weekend. It can be seen on social media and definitely felt the moment race-kit pick-up opens. I can’t take full credit for the success of Maritime Race Weekend, because it’s the enthusiastic participants who make this event spectacular. The excitement and energy from racers has a rippling effect through the crowd, you have to be there to really understand.

Originally, I thought the pirate theme would be fun, complimenting our coastal routes and East Coast celebration. Honestly, I never expected or could have predicted the pirate theme would become this popular. I had envisioned a handful of pirates passing out medals at the finish, but it’s evolved into hundreds of runners dressing-up in costumes, it really is a sight to see. Basically, I took the pirate theme and ran with it. Four years later, we have a captain’s bell, a pirate crew, a treasure chest and 5,000 participants crossing the finish line.

Maritime Race Weekend tattoo

Earlier this year, a runner tattooed the Maritime Race Weekend logo on his leg. Even I’m not that committed to the race! At first, I couldn’t believe my eyes. When I realized it was a real tattoo, I was slightly frightened and flattered, so I gave him a free race registration.

When I visit run clubs, there are always pirate die-hards. I love these runners, wearing every bib, bling and swag the’ve received from Maritime Race Weekend. The most I’ve ever counted was 32 pieces being worn at once.

As a volunteer and runner, Tracey Randem is trying to be picked as Maritime Race Weekend’s next super fan. She even found one of our pirates online and made this video with Captain Shin Splints. Obviously, Tracey has earned the title.

Gimmicks and fads don’t work, but create an atmosphere of celebration and add some pirates, then your race will set sail!

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