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New routines: In running and in life

Seanna Robinson's latest "Running Well" blog post looks at the importance of routines, not only in running but also in life.

Fortunately this is not part of my usual workout routine.
Fortunately this is not part of my usual workout routine.

Over the holidays I’ve strayed far from my usual routine. More social outings have meant more late nights. Kids are out of school so my days have few kid-free windows. Work continues; constantly for my husband and where I can fit it in.

I do love the holidays for the extra time that I get to spend with people I want to see (yes – including my monsters!) but being outside of a dependable routine has made running and working out more of a challenge.

The shakeup has got me thinking about the role that routine plays in running – and in life. The word “routine” can easily be associated with “boring,” “rut,” and “stagnation.” But I am a lover of routine. I rely on my routine to move forward and do difficult things without much thought or effort.

It takes time to tinker in order to find a routine that fits my life and workout needs, and every now and then something changes. I find consistency in the form of a good routine can help move me along.

We all show up every Wednesday at 5:30 a.m. There is no arguing with the routine!
We all show up every Wednesday at 5:30 a.m. There is no arguing with the routine!

I can’t stay in the same routine for too long. If I want to grow, change and adapt I have to shake things up. One thing I’ve learned about routines is that when I start a new one, it’s always tough. But I know that I’ll adapt. I just have to force it at first and have faith that things will get easier as time passes.

Recently, I added a weekly tempo run to my workout routine. I find tempos one of the most challenging workouts so I normally avoid them. The first few were very hard. But five weeks in I can get them done without too much mental effort. I’ve adapted as they’ve become a known quantity. The same thing happened when I started running at 5 a.m. I’ve learned that it’s not something I can do every day but I’ve found a comfortable number that works.

That’s how I think of my “routine” in other areas of life as well. My family and I are facing some changes in 2016. Nothing ground-shaking, but enough to slightly push us out of our usual comfort zones. It won’t be easy at first but like the added tempos and 5 a.m. runs, we will adapt.

What at first seems too difficult will become natural as we make changes and push ourselves in different directions. Our newly-created routines will take us there, one foot in front of the other.

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