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Good news for running parents: strollers just went hands-free

Though it may seem an odd concept, the hands-free stroller will be welcome by parents of young kids who don't want to have to give up the running routine.

baby stroller on a walk in the park summer day

For many parents of young ones, getting in the runs and workouts while still staying on top of all parental responsibility can be quite difficult. For many, settling the little one into a running stroller is the best solution to get the best of both worlds.

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The only issue there is that some strollers can be tough to manage. Cumbersome or heavy strollers can be a chore to push and runners can feel that their form and pace are being compromised (so much that really dedicated runner parents have been setting stroller records at races for quite some time now). But a new type of hands-free stroller could be the solution for runner moms and dads. That means that for those who opt to use this new baby carrier, the “How To” guides for running with strollers can be a thing of the past.

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For some, a hands-free stroller may sound a little scary. What is this stroller and how exactly does it work? Called the Smartbe, it syncs with the parent’s smart phone and tracks their movements. Take a few steps forward and so will the stroller. It’s an electric set of wheels and more good news for runners: apparently it’s quite good on hills. That means that no hill workouts will ever have to suffer.

Still into the traditional stroller for the young one? There will always be a strong set of parents to look up to for those times when the motivation is lacking. In March, super dad Calum Neff ran a 1:11:27 and Julia Webb ran a record of 1:22:57 in the distance this summer.


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