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Will the barefoot fad make a comeback with these weird sticker socks?

Wait, is barefoot running coming back?

Barefoot runners, rejoice. At last one talented mind has come up with a way to protect the soles of your feet without having to slip into a pair of shoes.

A new Kickstarter project dubbed “Nakefit” has popped up on the popular crowdfunding website. The creation: “hypoallergenic adhesive pads for walking freely wherever you want.”

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Here’s how it works: runners apply these protective, sticker-like soles to the bottom of their feet to get that extra protection without having to lace up a pair of shoes (if footwear isn’t your thing…). The adhesives, according to the campaign, can be worn on pavement as they are resistant when worn on hard surfaces and will not tear. Another detail important to runners is that they are designed to be waterproof. For those who like to run on the beach in summer, they are also marketed as working well on sand. 

The makers of this new product are advertising that a standard pack will consist of 10 pairs with the soles becoming available this summer.

Their target goal right now is set at €20,000. They have already passed that mark by a large margin. Currently, 1,900 people have backed this campaign and they have raised over €88,900. 

The popularity of this campaign begs a question: is the barefoot trend in running about to make a comeback? 

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