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A use for race medals at Christmas

The Christmas tree looking bare? Add old race medals

Race Medal Ornaments


Got race medals kicking around the house?

Some runners decorate the Christmas tree with the race bling as ornaments including one runner, Jackie Vandinther, who submitted a photo of the holiday tradition.

RELATED: Trimming the tree with medals and memories.

“It’s my third year doing this and it’s one of my favourite holiday things to do,” the Toronto runner says. “Pulling out my medal collection (I have more than a dozen now) and reminiscing and reflecting on my past runs as I decorate the tree has become a really special tradition for me. I love inspiring others to run and really enjoy seeing people take pride and celebrate their racing goals and accomplishments. And, my tree is always real to boot.”

She’s not the only one. B.C. Athletics, the governing body for running in British Columbia, submitted a photo of the December office addition.


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