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Ten reasons to start running this fall

There's no time like the present: why fall is in fact THE best time to start running

fall running shoes

It’s well known that almost as many runners take up the sport in the fall as in January. The new school year marks a kind of new beginning, even if you’re not a kid (and don’t have kids). We’ve compiled a list of why fall is, in fact, the perfect time to start (or continue) running.

1. You took the summer off

You’ve been taking it easy every weekend, and it’s time to get rid of the beer flab. You know, so you can be ready for #7.


2. New school year, new you

It’s not just the kids who get to wipe the slate clean in the fall, with brand-new notebooks and back-to-school clothes. Runners get to treat themselves to the new styles as well, with the dizzying array of new duds and shoes on the market.


3. The weather is cooler

No more excuses about heat and humidity. Pretty soon we’ll be able to see our breath–in fact, in many parts of the country, we already can. Especially at 6 a.m.


4. You need to cram for that half-marathon

Remember signing up for that fall half-marathon back in the spring? Time to start training.



5. It’s cross-country season

High school and university students are out on the roads and trails training for the fall cross-country season. So what if they blow by you like you’re standing still? You can at least say you were out there, too.


6. The leaves are beautiful

There’s nothing to inspire your love of the outdoors like taking in the fall foliage, and what better way to enjoy it than while running? Even in the city, you can always find pockets of nature.

7. You need to get in shape for seasonal eating

Thanksgiving and Hallowe’en are just the beginning. Pretty soon it will be the holidays, with all the caloric over-indulgence that implies. Better get in shape now.

8. Theme races beckon

This year you’re determined to perform well at your local Hallowe’en or Santa race. Time to get training.

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