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Runner attacked by moose in New Brunswick

Paul Gallant was reportedly attacked by a moose while running a week ago. The CBC reports that the runner was out in Dieppe, New Brunswick when he saw a moose facing him

Paul Gallant was reportedly attacked by a moose while running a week ago. The CBC reports that the runner was out in Dieppe, New Brunswick when he saw a moose facing him.

The moose reportedly charged at Gallant, hitting him three times in the jaw. Gallant sustained a bruised lip, bump on his forehead, broken vein and scratches all over his body. Witnesses called 911. 

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According to Wildsafe BC moose come together to mate during the months of September and October. Moose attacks are very uncommon, but can happen on rare occasions. 

Moose Run 25K

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Here are some recommendations from Wildlife BC for avoiding conflict with moose while running:

  • Make lots of noise when running, this is the easiest way to warn animals of your approach. 
  • Avoid startling moose, this greatly reduces the risk of attack. 
  • Never approach a moose, give them animals a wide berth and ensure they have an escape route. 
  • Beware of body language, a threatened moose can lower its head and flatten its ears before charging.
  • In the event that a moose does charge, hiding behind a large tree may effectively block the charge. 
  • If you run with your dog and you’re in moose country, keep it on leash. A moose may very well go after a dog, as it will perceive it to be a wolf, one of the main predators of moose calves.

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