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The Power of Connection

An introvert falls in love with group running

Perhaps you can relate: I’m an introvert. My household is packed with teenage boys and dogs, and I love and welcome their chaotic adventures, but the time I spend alone helps me recharge. Whether it’s running, doing yoga or deep in a book with my dog by my side, being by myself gives me the energy to deal with other people.

And yet, doing anything alone all the time can get tedious. Even at my most introverted and content, when I pass a group of runners laughing and chatting, or line up behind them in our local coffee shop, I feel a twinge of envy.

A long-time Strava user, I received an invite from an acquaintance on the platform to join a local Facebook group that focused on running. Intrigued, I scrolled through the list and noticed several people I knew in the community. I clicked the accept button with no idea that such a small action would lead me to question my habits, take on strange new commitments, and embark on a peculiarly lovely journey.

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