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5 attributes of a good training partner

If your running buddy possesses these qualities, you know you've got a good one

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Training partners can have a profound impact on your performance. Having someone who shows up day after day to suffer through mile repeats or help long runs fly by not only makes training more fun, but can help you improve far more than you would have on your own. Not all running partners are created equal, but if your running buddy has these qualities, you’ve got yourself a great partner-in-crime.

How to deal with common running buddy problems

They’re on time

This is a very basic, yet crucial, part of a running buddy arrangement. If your training partner is constantly late to your workouts, forcing you to waste valuable time waiting for them, it’s time to have a hard conversation with them. If, on the other hand, your partner is punctual the majority of the time, it’s a sign that they value you and respect your time.

They aren’t flaky

The point of having a training partner is to have someone to train with — not someone who constantly backs out of workouts and forces you to train on your own. Yes, life happens sometimes and unexpected things pop up, but a good running buddy is someone who shows up every time to put in the work.

They don’t complain

Training partners are there to motivate each other. A good running buddy should always have a positive attitude about even the hardest of workouts to help get you both to the end with smiles on your faces.

They don’t make it a competition

When your training partner is around the same speed as you, it opens the door for competition in workouts. A good running buddy never turns a run or workout into a race, but instead tries to work with you to have the best workout possible. If you end up having a better day and are ahead of them during the workout, they’re happy for you, not jealous.

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They keep it fun

Many runners fall into the trap of taking their training too seriously, which sucks the joy out of the sport. A good training partner knows how to keep running fun and lighthearted, so both of you can enjoy your training, rather than stress over it or dread it.

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