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Pushing through pain for family

Nova Scotia runner Tawnya MacNeil pounds the pavement and through pain for her uncle.

“Run when you can, walk when you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” -Dean Karnazes

There are so many reason people do so many things, runners are no different and have many reason why they start, continue and find new challenges for themselves. In May 2013 at the Bluenose marathon in Halifax, NS, a newer runner will push through whatever pain and weather the east coast throws at her to honour and for her uncle.[toggle_box]

Through a mutual running friend and from a request I sent out for running stories – I met Tawnya and found out about her story. This is Tawnya and her story.

Tawnya MacNeil

Tawnya started running 6 years ago to lose baby weight she had gained after having her 2nd child. Soon after starting running Tawnya from Truro, Nova Scotia (about an hour outside the province’s capital) found she had become addicted and competitive. With training and more running Tawnya qualified for the Boston marathon in 2010 (her second marathon ever).

In May Tawnya has signed up for the full marathon in Halifax and will run it for her uncle Brendon who was diagnosed with a rare form of Lymphoma in 2012, exactly 1 year to the day from when the Bluenose will take place. She says he has had a rough year but thanks to blood cancer treatment research in the last year by Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Canada (LLSC) he is fighting the disease and winning. Tawnya’s grandfather died of Lymphoma in 1990, so this disease hits home and deep for Tawnya.

Tawnya’s uncle Brendon and his wife June have captained a team that regularly participated in the famous Cabot Trail Relay in Cape Breton, NS. Tawnya says the team (The Mullimacs) is a warm family and friends team that is to run for fun but pride’s itself in having one of the best support teams on the course. Hot food and drink, a warm bed for rest and support along the run are always available. She says without Brendon and all of his support before, during and after the relay would not be the same.

I asked Tawnya if she would share a few more thoughts.

What is it about running that keeps you doing it and has you addicted?

“It’s the runners high, the sense of freedom when I am having a great run. It’s just my thing, it makes me feel strong and healthy. My husband and kids are all runners as well, so we all support each other and love that sense of accomplishment when crossing the finish line.”

Sometimes running can seem to be like life, with ups and downs and periods or struggle and pain – do you see this?

“Oh boy, do I ever!! With 3 kids, aged 9, 6 and 1, a full time job, a husband that runs and does shift work, let’s just say a training schedule is pretty chaotic. Some weeks I may only be able to hit the road once, the next week I get 6-7 runs in. We just fit our runs in when we can, so many a times I feel like I have never run before, but I know it will get better, stick with it and dream about those awesome runs, they will return! I am in that boat right now, yesterday was awful, today was better and I know I am on the upswing.”

What will you be thinking and how will you get through the race in May?

“I’ll be thinking about Brendon and my grandfather and the marathons they ran to fight cancer. My race is nothing compared to the strength and determination they both have/had on a daily basis. They are both my hero’s. My 3 kids will be top of mind as well, this will be my first marathon where they will be at the finish so I want to make them proud and show them how they can do anything they set their mind to.”

What are your goals for 2013?

“I am turning 39 this year so I need to make it a great one. On January 13 I met my first goal, to run a marathon before my youngest daughter turned 1 year. I ran the Disney World Marathon, what an amazing and fun race!! I am also doing Tough Mudder Montreal in July and I’d also like to re-qualify for Boston at some point this year before I turn 40 (and get another 5 minutes to my qualifying time). That should keep me busy…”

Tawnya is not the only runner in the family, she calls her husband Tim Boutilier the fast one and her kids Colby (9), Bria (6) and Lilah have all run either a little or as much as a mile. Tawnya says between running, yoga, workouts and keeping 3 active kids going, she trys to find some time to garden, volunteer at her kid’s school and just enjoy the little things about each day.

There is something about running and other sports that drag on for more than a few minutes and cause us to struggle. So often it is on a run where we fight our own thoughts, we think of our pain, the pain of others and push to the finish line. Running seems so much more than just putting one foot in front of the other over and over again.

Good luck in May Tawnya and run on.
Do you have a running story to tell?


See you on the roads or in the blogosphere.

Tawnya is also fundraising to fight against the disease her uncle is battling and if you would like to help, please visit here page (click here)

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