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Finding the time to run

Blogger Susan shares her tips for making time to exercise on top of work and family commitments.

Family running for sport outdoors

I was recently talking to a friend who is just getting into the routine of working full-time. She told me she hasn’t yet figured out how to find the time to incorporate exercise into her daily schedule. Although I have been working full-time for several years, as a new runner, it has been a challenge finding the time to run. Here are some tricks I have learned along the way.

1) Go to bed dressed in clothes that would be appropriate for bolting out the door as soon as you wake up. This saves time and a lot of rustling through closets while the family is sleeping. I now buy comfortable leggings and sports tops for sleeping, instead of pajamas. Bonus: When someone comes to the door in the morning, it will look like you are already dressed for the day!

2) Keep your running shoes at the door. Every time I leave or enter the house, I am reminded of my running goals.  Having the shoes at the door saves precious time by not having to rummage through closets trying to find them.  Bonus:  A hanging dog leash at the door is also a good reminder that there’s a furry friend who is always ready to join you.

3) When you are going out to meet with friends, suggest activities like hiking, walking or swimming. Going to the gym or joining a race together is great too. Try to think of new activities instead of just going for dinner, drinks or a coffee. Bonus: If you are going out to a restaurant or café, suggest walking together to the location, to extend the visit time, get fresh air and burn off those calories.

4) Get outside during lunch breaks. I’m a big advocate of tearing yourself away from the desk and getting fresh air mid-way throughout the day. If you have some errands to run or can somewhere to get a quick bite to eat, you have the perfect excuse.  Bonus: Invite a colleague to join you.

5) Keep comfortable shoes to run or walk in at your work. This is huge.  There were so many days I would have liked to walk at lunch, but I was wearing heels or dress shoes so it was a no-go.  Bonus: It seems like heels are becoming passé for women in the workplace, so that’s a step in the right direction (pun intended).

6) Exercise while your kids are exercising. Parents spend lots of time sitting and watching their kids at organized sports either. Take this time to exercise for yourself.  Bonus:  You can still watch while circling a field. Go for a quick run mid-game and get back in time for the end. 

7) I have learned that there are many opportunities to find time for fitness in a day. Planning ahead is key. The bonus is that you will continue to achieve your fitness goals and your friends, partners, kids and furry friends may benefit from these new activities as well.

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