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In becoming a runner, I realize that I’m also pushing my kids to their limits

When Susan signed up to run 12 races in 2016, she didn't realize that the challenge would also make her a better parent.

Susan Farelly Aug. 24

The 5K Foam Fest at Wasaga Beach, Ont. was the race that my son had been waiting for. In fact, I had coerced him into joining the previous races under the premise that I needed to know that he could run a 5K before trying a 5K with obstacles.

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But of course, my son and daughter left us in the dust. We were a wild and wonderful group of five as two of my colleagues, Michele and Taylor Richardson, were brave enough to join us. Our crew was aptly named “Wellington Wild.” Taylor ran with me in the St. Patrick’s Day run in March as her first race, so I was thrilled that she wanted to come out again, bringing her mom with her this time.

Seeing the big inflatable slides and the inner tubes in the water, and of course the foam, this race literally brought out the kid in all of us. It was another incredibly hot and muggy day, so the slippery wet slides, foam and obstacles in the water were a welcome relief to the heat.

There was a looming storm on the horizon. During the race, it started to rain making the slippery slides even faster. As the rain continued to pour, our goal became to get to the finish as quickly as possible before the last water slide was shut down due to lightening.

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We plodded through embracing the weather and made it to the last slide. It was huge. While at the base of it, I looked up and realized just how tall it really was. My son has much more than just a slight fear of heights but he didn’t hesitate to climb the stairs to the top. I followed behind my daughter, watching them both. When I got to the top, he sat with his feet dangling down ready to go. I caught the look of fear on his eyes. As a parent, this is a sight that remains etched into your memory. I suggested that he close his eyes. It would be over in no time. He didn’t like that idea. I suggested that climbing those tall stairs to the top was the hardest part. It was a tough sell. Finally, I asked the worker at the slide what they do if someone decides not to go down. He graciously said that he clears the stairs and lets them walk down. So that’s what happened. I met my son at the bottom of the slide after I whizzed down.

It was then that I realized that I’m testing not only my own grit and determination with these races, but I’m also pushing my kids to their limits. At the finish line we got our medals, towels and ice cream. We each had a sense of accomplishment. Did the kids have a great time? Absolutely. Do they want to run more obstacle races? Yes. My only request is that we participate in the Foam Fest every year until my son is able to go down that final slide. I believe in him and I want him to believe in himself too.

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