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Guelph to host communal workout

The Speed River track and field club is hosting a large open practice for anybody who wants to run on the National Cross Country course, before the snow settles in, Oct. 24 in Guelph, Ont.

The Speed River track and field club is hosting a large open practice for anybody who wants to run on the National Cross Country course, before the snow settles in, Oct. 24 in Guelph, Ont.It’s a new concept, but an idea that Speed River head coach Dave Scott-Thomas is particularly fond of.

“There are a lot of good athletes and coaches around that get along well in Ontario,” Scott-Thomas says. “It’s a good way to have some fellowship, and strengthen provincial ties.”

Scott-Thomas’ objective is to get everybody out on the national course, and have a big training session together. He’s taking suggestions on possible workouts, but the 2K and 2.5K loops will also be open to anybody who wants to run according to their own program.

No registration is required, and there are plans for a lunch social after the morning workout.

For more information visit http://www.guelphrunning.ca/events.php?id=26

Guelph will host the National Cross Country Championships on Nov. 28

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