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2 yoga exercises for strong toes

Give your toes a little love tonight, and prevent a multitude of problems and discomfort

person stretching foot and toes

As a runner, you use your feet constantly, but you probably neglect them, too. Important but ignored, a runner’s feet may be jammed into ill-fitting shoes, stuck in damp, chafe-inducing socks, and left to blacken and bruise post-big-effort. But spending a few minutes a week caring for your digits can have them performing pain-free for decades to come.

Battered and beaten toes can cause painful running, and discomfort when not running. Mistreated toes may develop bunions and hammertoes, and proper toe strength and flexibility are necessary for effective push-off and propulsion. Try these simple exercises when watching TV or relaxing in the evening and you’ll be bouncing over roads and trails problem-free.

person stretching foot and toes

Toe Stand (Padangusthasana)

Excellent for strengthening the toes and improving balance, toe stand may feel quite challenging and uncomfortable at first. It’s OK to ease into it with a very gradual approach, and start by holding the pose for only one or two seconds at a time.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart, and bend forward to grip your big toes with your first two fingers and thumbs.

Keeping your back straight, slowly lift your heels off the ground, balancing on your toes.

Hold the position for several breaths, then release, working up to longer holds or more repetitions as you become stronger.

Toe Squat (Vajrasana)

Toe squat relieves tension in the toes and the entire foot while giving it a nice stretch.

Kneel on the floor with your big toes touching and knees close together. Sit back on your heels, keeping your back and neck straight.

Hold this position for as long as comfortable, gradually increasing the duration as you gain flexibility and strength.

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