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Motivational running slogans that fit the weekend


Running just wouldn’t be the same without all the cheesy motivational quotes that come with it. Sometimes we cringe at these slogans, but secretly, we love them. We know you do too, that’s why we’re doing a roundup of funny and sappy one-liners that are probably describing your weekend right now…

1. I only run half marathons. I’m lazy like that.

Another T-shirt we found to add to the collection. We found this gem on zazzle.com. Stock up on more shirts like this though and your friends will hate you. Just a warning.


2. My run. My speed. My way. Forget the Jonses, I’m keeping up with myself.

A nice reminder for those runners who have a tendency to compare themselves and chase other people’s times.

3. Train. Race. Beer.

We know it’s not really a slogan but it’s a great hat and we’re counting it anyway. Plus, it’s the weekend. Who doesn’t go for a post-run beer?


4. My sport is your sport’s punishment

A classic (maybe a touch over-used) quote. But it hasn’t really gotten old.

5. Training is the opposite of hoping

You have probably seen this in Nike ads. It’s to the point and says it like it is. If you want to perform well, you gotta train!

6. Run hard, eat cupcakes.

Well, sometimes the goal of the run is just to stop into the bakery later. Cafepress.ca has more for your drawers too.


7. “Wow I really regret that workout,” – No one ever.

It’s true. Have you really ever regretted becoming a runner?

8. I thought they said rum

We found this for our piece on Etsy T-shirts. Couldn’t think of anything more weekend appropriate.


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