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Yoga for runners: relieve IT band tension in moments

These three stretches will having you feeling limber and loose in no time

Yoga stretch for IT band Photo by: Unsplash:luemen-rutkowski

A thick band of connective tissue that runs along the outside of the thigh from the hip to the knee, the IT or iliotibial band is sometimes a runner’s enemy. In some runners, it repeatedly rubs against the femur (thigh bone) during runs, and the tightness and discomfort can derail your training.

Increasing mileage too aggressively, muscle imbalances and poor running form can all contribute to a tight IT band. Try these poses to stretch and strengthen the muscles around the hips and thighs, and you’ll be back to running pain-free in no time.

Young woman in paschimottanasana pose, home interior background,

Happy baby pose

Happy Baby pose can be an effective way to stretch and release tension in the IT band because it involves opening up the hips and stretching the muscles and connective tissue in the pelvic region.

Start by lying on your back. Bbend your knees and bring them toward your chest. Flex your feet toward the ceiling and guide your knees so that they are above your hips, moving toward creating a 90-degree angle with your thighs and torso. (It’s OK if this isn’t accessible in your body–simply move until you feel a stretch.)

Reach your arms inside your knees and hold on to the outside edges of your feet (or to your ankles, if you can’t reach your feet). Gently press your knees toward the floor, aiming to bring them closer to your armpits to stretch and ease your hips open.

With your lower back on the mat, relax your head and shoulders and try gently rocking from side to side to massage your lower back and hips. Hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute, breathing deeply and softening into the stretch.

Half moon pose

Half Moon pose improves hip and core stability, which can help relieve IT band tightness.

Begin by standing with feet hip-width apart and shift your weight onto your left foot, sending your right leg behind you. Place your right hand on the floor or a block in front of your left foot. You can simply point your hand toward the floor if that’s all that is available to you in your body.

Lift your right leg parallel to the floor and extend your left arm toward the ceiling. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then switch sides.

Triangle pose

Triangle pose stretches the IT band and helps improve overall leg flexibility.

Stand with your feet wide apart, one foot facing forward and the other foot turned out. Send your arms out parallel to the floor.

Hinging at your hip, reach your right hand toward your right ankle while keeping your left arm extended up.

Work toward maintaining a  straight line from your left hand to your left foot. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute, then switch sides.

Remember that it’s OK if you aren’t able to come into these stretches perfectly. The aim is to strengthen and soothe your muscles, and focusing on how the stretch is feeling is the important thing, not the esthetics of the pose.


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