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Yoga for runners: three pre-race poses to calm nerves and loosen muscles

Make these gentle poses your pre-race go-to to ease jitters before you kick up the pace

Yoga pose

Most runners have felt those pre-race butterflies when waking up the morning of a race–some nervousness is normal no matter how much preparation an athlete has done. It can be easy to lose focus and get derailed, and spending a few moments in some gentle yoga poses can help you get back on track.

Make sure to ease into these stretches, keeping them gentle and focusing on your breathing throughout. Adding gentle movement in each stretch will keep them safe

Young woman in paschimottanasana pose, home interior background,
Photo: Unsplash

Knees to chest

This pose calms your nervous system, especially useful as you dial-in in your mental game before heading to the start. You’ll feel a nice stretch to your lower back, hips and legs.

Start on your back with your legs extended along your mat. Inhale, and as you exhale bring your knees toward your chest.

Hug your knees with your arms, either grasping your shins, knees, or holding onto your ankles. Imagine that you are lengthening through the spine as you breathe deeply.

To go deeper, on an exhale, engage your core and roll your head and shoulders up, bringing your nose toward your knees. Squeeze your upper body and knees together for a few breaths, and release.

Downward dog

This full body stretch will feel like it’s waking up your muscles from fingers to toes, and adding some gentle movement to it makes it a safe, effective part of any warmup.

Begin in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the floor. Tuck your toes under and lift your hips toward the ceiling.

Straighten your legs until you feel a stretch (knees can stay bent) while pressing your heels toward the floor. Spread your fingers wide, and press your palms into the mat. Gently press your chest toward your thighs, feeling your spine lengthen.

Bend one knee while pressing the opposite heel toward the mat, alternating legs.

Hold the pose for 30 seconds to one minute, breathing deeply.

Child’s pose

Calm any last-minute anxieties by sinking into this stretch before you lace up. Child’s pose releases tightness in the hip flexors, and the supported, restorative nature of the stretch is soothing.

Start by kneeling on the floor with your big toes touching and your knees hip-width apart. Sit back on your heels, and on an exhale, bend forward at your hips and lower your torso toward the ground.

Reach your arms in front of you and place palms on the floor. Let your forehead rest on the ground, or modify by using a cushion or block for support.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath, taking deep, slow inhales and exhales through your nose. Hold for 30 seconds to one minute (or as long as you need) and gently walk your hands back toward your knees to sit up and release.

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