Built to Run

I'm not sure who I'm trying to impress by running fast... since no one else probably cares how fast I can run. But everytime I do speed training I think about my junior high teacher (Miss Rushton) who told me I wasn't built to run... so I run fast to prove her wrong... now that is some baggage!

When I was in junior high, I distinctly remember trying out for the track team in the parking lot (how ghetto is that we didn’t even have a track). I was given one shot at running the 50 yard dash when my gym teacher (Miss Rushton) refused me a second attempt to improve my time trial… instead she stated “Don’t bother… you aren’t built to run.” Really? Wow… how to shatter a kid’s self esteem (was that course in first year teachers college – she probably got an A+)!

Well to Miss Rushton I say… “I’ll race you in the 50 yard dash now!”

I definitely believe part of my obsession about running fast is based on spite and proving to myself that I can run fast! Talk about baggage!!!

The honest truth is, most success that I’ve achieved in my life originally began as a challenge I placed on myself because of doubt from others. Everyone has something that helps drives them to work hard… mine just happens to be proving others wrong! I’m not really proud of it… but it’s the truth.

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